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Which Shrek Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Shrek Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


  • Shrek is feisty and loyal, embodying the Aries traits of passion and impulsiveness. He’s no pushover in friendships.
  • Princess Fiona’s determination and hard work align perfectly with the traits of a Taurus, being steadfast and dependable.
  • Donkey’s energetic and changeable personality reflects the adaptability and loyalty of a Gemini, making friends easily.

Shrek was the first animated film in over fifty years to be nominated for the most prestigious award at Cannes, the Palme d’Or. It blew the lid off animated cinema when it came out in 2001, basically deconstructing the fairy tale rule book established by Disney and going down as one of the best and most enduring animated films of the 2000s. The movie follows the titular character (an ogre, voiced by Mike Meyers) while on an adventure with a princess and a talking donkey, highlighting familiar fairy tale characters along the way.

The franchise is twenty years old, and it currently hosts a number of characters that have been co-opted from fairy tale classics and reframed perfectly to fit the wacky world of Shrek. The zodiac signs of the Shrek characters aren’t so difficult to see as each character, big or small, across the four movies is so well-defined. What is Shrek’s zodiac sign? It’s easy to consider when looking at his strong personality, and the same is true for the rest of the inhabitants of his fairytale world.


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Shrek – Aries

Shrek doing air quotes in homage to Chris Farley-1

Shrek is a typical Aries; he is frank about his opinions to the point of being blunt. Although bands of villagers keep trying to hunt him down, Shrek makes it a point to express his need for privacy, especially because he isn’t hurting anyone by living alone in his swamp. Like many Aries folk, Shrek is also passionate and can sometimes lose control of his emotions. In other words, his destructive tendencies take over when he is angry.

That passionate nature and blunt personality can often translate into impulsive behavior in those born under Aries. Shrek isn’t as impulsive as most, but he does display the Aries sense of loyalty. He demonstrates how much he cares for his friends when he decides to save Fiona from Lord Farquaad at great personal risk and when he repeatedly helped Donkey, despite going on about how much Donkey annoys him.

Princess Fiona – Taurus

Fiona talks to Donkey in Shrek

Those born under the sign of the bull are extremely hardworking, taking leaps in order to accomplish their objectives. However, they can also be single-minded and can only be swayed from their course with great effort. Some might call Taurus the most stubborn of zodiac signs. Princess Fiona embodies both of these Taurus characteristics.

For instance, in her search for true love’s first kiss, she fights her away across the forests of Duloc so that she can finally be freed from her curse by marrying Farquaad. However, it takes a considerable amount of work on Shrek and Donkey’s part to convince her that her true love lies elsewhere.

Taurus also tends to be one of the most dependable of the zodiac signs. Because of their hardworking and steadfast nature, they tend to like being prepared for any situation. Shrek fans can see that in Fiona when she isn’t a typical princess on the run, but is quickly able to defend herself in a fight.

Donkey – Gemini

Donkey walks out the door and down the steps in Shrek

Donkey is a complex character, much like Shrek’s metaphorical onion. He is generally cheerful and optimistic, which several characters love him for, but others—most of all Shrek—find extremely irritating. Donkey is given to bouts of excitability and hilarious lines, flitting all over the place when he is in a good mood, but he can turn sullen and moody at the drop of a hat.

This binary nature of his personality places him under the Gemini sign. Geminis have a reputation for being moody, but they’re often able to change how they behave quickly depending on the social situation. They adapt well, and Donkey is able to do that. He tends to make friends pretty quickly, despite other characters not liking him at first. Another Gemini trait expressed by Donkey is his undying devotion towards Shrek and Fiona, which he proves on a number of occasions.

Lord Farquaad – Cancer

Lord Farquaad looking happy in Shrek

Lord Farquaad is, overall, a terrible person, sending other people off to die on quests while he basks in the resulting glory. He is undeniably the villain, and because of that, he represents a lot of the worst traits of his zodiac sign. Being a Cancer, he easily develops bitterness towards those who slight him or his ego—for instance, when people refer to his height insultingly. Cancers tend to take insults to heart instead of allowing them to roll off their backs.

Farquaad is fickle-minded, seeing as he only cares about things that affect him directly, and he discards anyone or anything once he finds their utility has been diminished. He is also extremely possessive about his “property.” For example, when Shrek tries to rescue Fiona, Farquaad clearly implies that she belongs to him.

Pinocchio – Leo

Geppetto about to sell Pinocchio for a few coins in Shrek (1)

Pinocchio, the talking puppet who happens to be one of Shrek’s closest friends, is ready to help whenever required. In true Leo form, he shows a surprising amount of intelligence and strategic planning when he rescues Shrek, Donkey, and Puss in Boots from prison. He is incredibly friendly, almost never playing favorites with his friends. Pinocchio is incredibly courageous and resourceful, as well. This is seen when Shrek tosses him around in the air and flings him towards the Fairy Godmother so he can grab her wand directly from her hands.

His courage, his planning, and his tendency to make friends are all Leo traits. Usually, zodiac enthusiasts are more likely to recognize Leo as the zodiac sign that loves the limelight, but Pinocchio shows that there is more to the sign than the attention-seeking that is often the stereotype of the sign.


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Robin Hood – Leo

Robin Hood in front of his merry men in Shrek

Robin Hood is a charismatic character in the Shrek franchise and has a personality resembling that of the Leo sign, showing both the sign’s strengths and weaknesses during his time in the movies. Hood portrays a lot of Leo’s strengths, as he’s strong, brave, and good at strategic planning, much like Pinocchio—even if his strategic planning mostly involves him waiting to ambush travelers in the woods with his merry men.

He also portrays some of Leo’s weaknesses, as he’s egotistical and arrogant. Despite being something of a vigilante, Robin Hood also does have the stereotypical Leo trait of loving to be the center of attention. Leos are often strong leaders as well. For Hood, those traits go hand-in-hand as he loves the attention of his followers and he has a loyal group that enjoys following his lead.

King Harold – Virgo

King Harold angrily getting dinner in Shrek 2

People born under Virgo are highly perceptive, being able to picture a problem from all possible angles. They like to be prepared, even if their methods might be outside of the box for others. King Harold exhibits these features when he asks the Fairy Godmother to change him from a frog into a human, thereby allowing him to marry Lilian.

He is also naturally secretive, a classic Virgo personality trait, considering his true nature. However, this is partly because he was ashamed of his origins and didn’t want to bring humiliation to the royal family. That also falls right in line with being a Virgo as they don’t like to feel like they are burdening others. Being a perfectionist, Harold expects the same for his daughter, which is why he reacts with anger when he finds out that she wants to marry an ogre.

Brogan – Virgo

Brogan with a torch in Shrek Forever After

After Rumpelstiltskin dupes Shrek into entering an alternate reality in which he forsakes his life in Far Far Away, Shrek must join a band of ogre warriors led by Fionna to reclaim the land from Rumpel. Chief among the ogre resistance is Brogan, a gruff, tall ogre who is fiercely dedicated to his cause. Loyalty is at the core of Brogan’s character, indicating his status as a Virgo. A born leader willing to do anything to unseat Rumpelstiltskin, he’s the sort of hero Shrek struggled to become in the first movie.

Brogan is someone who is always willing to help, which speaks to the nurturing side of Virgos. Virgos are often seen as the “mom friend” of the zodiac because they like to take care of people, and that certainly applies to Brogan in Shrek Forever After.

Prince Charming – Libra

Prince Charming holding his hand out in Shrek

Prince Charming is a boastful, pretentious man whose mother’s creepy devotion to his success has left him expecting the world to revolve around him. Like some Libras, his selfishness is actually a mask hiding his innumerable insecurities. This is obvious from the way he acts around Fiona and the other princesses.

Prince Charming rarely shows signs of intelligence, given that his brain space is mostly taken up by fawning thoughts of himself, but that doesn’t mean Libras can’t be smart. Prince Charming shows some creativity, but he fails in the execution of his plans, like when he tries to trick Fiona into thinking he is Shrek, but he fails to emulate Shrek’s body movements as he believes the appearance change is enough. Libras tend to work best in teams though, bouncing ideas off others, and perhaps Prince Charming’s other Libra traits are more stunted because of his mother’s influence.

Fairy Godmother – Scorpio

Fairy Godmother angry and raising her wand in Shrek 2

Fairy Godmother is a typical Scorpio; from her fierce drive towards her goals to her refusal to hold back in a fight, she is a metaphorical explosion simply waiting to happen. Her zodiac sign grants her the strength required to concoct a plan elaborate enough to ensure her son is in the position to inherit the kingdom of Far, Far Away. Scorpios are often good at puzzles, loving to see how pieces connect. She does that in her planning instead of in unraveling someone else’s plan though.

The Fairy Godmother masks herself with a veneer of refinement of style, but she can bring her inner scorpion out, utterly destroying those opposing her if necessary. Scorpios are secretive and great at hiding behind masks because they don’t typically trust others easily. In the Fairy Godmother’s case, her mask is to hide her true intentions.


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Rumpelstiltskin – Scorpio

Rumpelstiltskin and Shrek in Shrek Forever After

Rumpelstiltskin is the main antagonist who appears in Shrek Forever After and tricks Shrek into giving away the day he was born, thus undoing the events of the past three movies. This story plays on his fairy tale origins as a trickster who spins straw into gold. There have been many takes on the character in popular culture, and not all of them are Scorpios, but Shrek’s version of the character falls most closely in line with a Scorpio.

Rumpelstiltskin portrays all of Scorpio’s bad traits with his aggressive, possessive, and manipulative nature. Scorpio doesn’t necessarily epitomize evil, but the sign’s penchant for confrontation can make those born under it formidable antagonists in fiction. They like to keep their secrets and are never afraid of making their case in a fight, just like Shrek’s Rumpelstiltskin.

Puss In Boots – Sagittarius

Puss in Boots with Shrek and Fiona behind him

Puss in Boots is a loyal friend to Shrek, demonstrating his trustworthiness in several instances when his fighting skills save the day. As a Sagittarius, Puss is determined to make friends with Donkey even though the latter despises him for stealing the spotlight. He is also very adventurous, working as a hired assassin and traveling to places far and wide in the course of his missions.

The closest fit for his zodiac sign in Shrek is Sagittarius because of that adventurous spirit. Sagittarius is often thought of as the sign with the biggest sense of wanderlust, and Puss in Boots quite literally embodies that as he continues to travel. That wanderlust, however, can also manifest in other ways, like a love of learning everything and never wanting to settle with one subject, or in always searching for the perfect relationship.

Queen Lillian – Sagittarius

Queen Lillian looking apprehensive while eating in Shrek

Queen Lillian is a supportive and optimistic Queen and mother to Fiona, who has a similar personality to the Sagittarius sign. Lillian supports her daughter when she reveals that she’s married Shrek and has chosen to become an ogre. Her father is too concerned about appearances to respect his daughter’s decisions, but Lillian is a much sweeter sort.

She’s an honest and kind character who isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or others when she needs to. Queen Lillian really represents the open mind of the Sagittarius compared to the wanderlust typically seen of the Sagittarius in fiction. The sign is also known for being able to understand every side of an argument, to be able to understand multiple angles of a debate. That’s why she isn’t as closed-minded about Fiona finding love with an ogre.

Gingerbread Man – Capricorn

Gingy talks in Shrek the Third

The Gingerbread Man—also known as Gingy in the later movies—is first introduced as a victim of Lord Farquaad, who threatened to have him drowned in milk and even broke his legs off to get him to spill his secrets. However, Gingy is as crafty as he is creative, both definitive traits of the Capricorn sign.

This is reflected in his staunch resolve not to expose the hiding places of other fairy tale creatures to Farquaad. In fact, even when Farquaad pressures him by pulling at his gumdrop buttons, Gingy simply lies about the Muffin Man being involved. Capricorns tend to have very strict moral compasses (whichever way their moral compass points, however, is a different story), which means they stick to their beliefs and are very hard to sway. They would never betray someone on principal alone.

Doris – Capricorn

Doris leans forward on a bar while speaking with someone in Shrek

First appearing in the second Shrek movie, Doris is a bartender who seems to be the go-to for Far Far Away’s criminal underworld. Connected to some pretty unsavory folk, she’s a gruff, serious sort who isn’t to be toyed with. Her softer side comes out later in the series when she renounces her old ways and joins the other princesses in Far Far Way, but her stern exterior is a major part of her character. Fiercely independent, Doris is assuredly a Capricorn.

Capricorns might be close to those they care about, but they value their independence more than almost anything. They prefer to find their success on their own, but they don’t mind being the sounding board for others, even others who might have lost their way. Doris embodies all of those Capricorn traits.


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Dragon – Aquarius

Donkey and Dragon arriving at the church in Shrek.

The Aquarius sign is noted for the air of mystery that surrounds those born under it, and “mystery” is a perfect description of Dragon’s personality. In the beginning, Dragon portrays herself as a fire-breathing monster whose sole purpose is to keep anyone from rescuing Princess Fiona from her tower. But, her hostility is soon revealed to all be an act when she shows that she is attracted to Donkey and is willing to stop all hostilities to get to know him.

In accordance with Aquarian nature, Dragon rarely communicates her emotions because members of this sign value their inner world too much to disclose its nature to most people. Aquarius is often known as the most rebellious of zodiac signs. They want to follow their own path, and Dragon certainly does that when she pursues a relationship with a donkey.

Magic Mirror – Pisces

Magic Mirror shows Fiona to Lord Farquaad in Shrek

The Magic Mirror on the Wall might be an enchanted object, but its emotions and thoughts are as real as can be. It has a sensitive nature, reflecting those of most Pisces, as showcased when it is easily intimidated by Lord Farquaad threatening to shatter it. Magic Mirror is highly innovative as well, given its tendency towards pageantry and fanfare. For instance, it shows three princesses for Farquaad to choose from, namely, Snow White, Cinderella, and Fiona, displaying them in the form of a television game show.

With Magic Mirror not being able to leave on their own, it makes sense that the enchanted object would have a rich inner life. Pisces are often thought of as the most imaginative of zodiac signs, content with dreaming up new ideas instead of being out in the real world. Magic Mirror dreams up new ideas that entertain those who use their skills.

The Big Bad Wolf – Pisces

Bad Wolf and the Three pigs in Shrek promo image

The Big Bad Wolf is actually one of the most difficult of Shrek characters to figure out a zodiac sign for, largely because he doesn’t have a ton of screen time. One of the many fairy tale background characters seen throughout the Shrek series, the Big Bad Wolf doesn’t get much attention. His biggest moment was arguably his appearance in an American Idol spoof skit in which he could be heard singing “Hungry Like the Wolf” by Duran Duran.

Wolfie seems to be fairly lackadaisical and laid back, often seen lying in bed and wearing clothing befitting of Red Riding Hood’s grandmother, in keeping with his backstory. However, he’s willing to accompany his friends when Shrek must be saved in the second film, and this empathy may mark him as a Pisces. Pisces are known for trying to hide from their emotions, but also in being deeply empathic individuals, which does seem in line with what little the audience learns about the Big Bad Wolf.

Arthur Pendragon – Pisces

Artie against a blue sky in Shrek the Third.

Arthur Pendragon appears in Shrek the Third and begins the movie as a shy teenager who is bullied at his school until Shrek and Fiona appear to tell him that he’s heir to the Far Far Away throne. His story, of course, is Shrek’s riff on the legend of King Arthur. Despite Artie’s difficult time at school and relationship with his father, he is a generous, empathetic, and brave character similar to the Pisces personality.

Although Artie eventually agrees to his responsibilities of being King, it takes him a while to get there, and he spends a lot of the movie afraid of his new prospects, which is a weakness of the Pisces. Pisces is one zodiac sign that would prefer not to be in the spotlight, but to live in a fantasy world instead.

Merlin – Pisces

Merlin from the Shrek farnchise with his hands raised

Merlin appears in Shrek the Third and is Arthur’s retired magic teacher from his high school. Merlin travels with Artie and Shrek and tries to help Artie fulfill his destiny and become the king. Merlin and Arthur portray different traits of the Pisces sign, as Merlin embodies the Pisces desire to escape reality, has a wise nature, does seem to care about Arthur and his journey, and is an intuitive person even if he has a difficult time honing his magical powers.

Other than being the daydreamer of the zodiac, Pisces is also usually one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. They are usually pretty good judges of character, even if they don’t immediately gravitate to meeting new people or traveling to new places. When it comes to the Shrek franchise, there are quite a few characters, like Merlin, who demonstrate the different traits of the same sign.

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