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10 Clues The Acolyte’s Villain Isn’t a True Sith Lord

10 Clues The Acolyte’s Villain Isn’t a True Sith Lord

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for The Acolyte episode 5.


  • Despite the Stranger’s identity being revealed, he may not be a true Sith Lord.
  • The Stranger seems to lack a Sith master, breaking the Rule of Two.
  • Qimir has not been given the signature ‘Darth’ title, which is a staple of the Sith.

Star Wars: The Acolyte episode 5 revealed the face and identity of the masked figure presumed to be a Sith, but the show has also hinted that this character may not be Star Wars’ newest Sith after all. The Acolyte’s trailers certainly ruffled feathers when they seemingly depicted a Sith, as many were worried that this meant a retcon of the prequel trilogy. In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, the Jedi explained that the Sith had been extinct for a millennium.

With The Acolyte set 100 years before The Phantom Menace in the Star Wars timeline, this would represent a significant change to Star Wars movies and TV shows. However, The Acolyte has already proven to have a number of tricks up its sleeve, and this may be another. Despite the massive reveal that Mae’s accomplice, Qimir, is really the masked dark side Force-user, a number of hints suggest he may not be a true Sith.


The Acolyte Reveals The Sith Lord Identity, Sets Up Major Twists To Protect Star Wars Canon

The Acolyte episode 5 revealed the true identity of its mysterious Sith Lord, but the ending sets up massive twists to preserve Star Wars canon.

10 Qimir Never Confirmed The Sith Title

Qimir Specifically Says That ‘Some’ Might Say He Is Sith

Although Qimir, also officially called the Stranger, said that some may refer to him as a Sith, he did not confirm that he identifies as such. If anything, this could be a commentary on the limited understanding others, the Jedi included, have of Force users who fall outside the Jedi or Sith binary. This idea has already been introduced in The Acolyte, as the witches of Brendok explained to Mae and Osha that they needed to go into exile because their powers were feared.

This could be a commentary on the limited understanding others, the Jedi included, have of Force users who fall outside the Jedi or Sith binary.

It would be particularly odd for a Sith to not claim that title if it was truly theirs to claim. Even Palpatine readily admitted to being a Sith despite years of deception once his ruse had run its course. If Qimir was truly a Sith, he undoubtedly would have taken pride in saying so outright rather than saying the Jedi may perceive him that way.

9 The Stranger Is Currently Breaking The Sith Rule Of Two

The Sith Rule Of Two Requires A Master And An Apprentice

The Sith Rule of Two has had a complicated history in Star Wars, mainly because its definition has changed over time. Initially, the rule was referenced in The Phantom Menace when Master Yoda told Mace Windu, “Always two there are; no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.” However, the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker junior novelization, written by Michael Kogge, revealed that the Jedi had misunderstood this rule.

Purchase the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker novel

Rather than only two Sith ever existing at once, the Rule of Two describes the dynamic specifically between the master and the apprentice, wherein the master wields power, and the apprentice covets it. Interestingly, Qimir is breaking this convention. Currently, Qimir is seeking an Acolyte, who would presumably become his Sith apprentice if he is indeed a Sith Lord.

However, this exchange of power typically happens when the apprentice’s master is still living, as the apprentice directly usurps the master. Qimir is a significant anomaly in that sense, as he seems to be a free agent—at present, he has no Sith master and no Sith apprentice. This makes it doubtful that the Stranger truly is a Sith Lord; as Palpatine made clear, the Sith always have a clear line of succession, yet Qimir’s solitude suggests otherwise.

8 The “Sith” Has No ‘Darth’ Name

At Least So Far, Qimir Hasn’t Revealed A True Sith Name

At present, The Acolyte’s villain is known as both Qimir, the goofy personality who worked alongside Mae on her mission to kill the Jedi, and the Stranger, the deadly dark side Force-user who has now brutally murdered multiple Jedi. Thus far, though, the character has not been given the signature ‘Darth’ title of the Sith. While that reveal could conceivably be impending, it is one of the most telling hints that the Stranger is not a true Sith Lord after all.

While not every Sith prominently used their Darth name, such as Darth Tyranus, who went by Count Dooku, those titles are a staple of the Sith. Moreover, the absence of such titles has often distinguished non-Sith dark side Force-users from true Sith, such as with Asajj Ventress and Kylo Ren. In light of that, it’s quite possible that, while Qimir/the Stranger has clearly learned some of the ways of the Sith, he may not be a true Sith Lord.

The absence of such titles has often distinguished non-Sith dark side Force-users from true Sith.

7 The Stranger Revealed Himself Willingly

Jecki Lon May Have Unmasked Qimir, But He First Exposed Himself

Jedi Padawan Jecki Lon impressively smashed the Stranger’s helmet mid-battle, exposing his face and therefore his identity, but this was nevertheless made possible by the Stranger first revealing himself. Before this, Qimir was concealing his identity successfully enough that Mae had no idea she was working alongside her master all along and the Jedi did not sense the darkness within him when they first encountered Qimir. This makes it all the more confusing that Qimir decided to expose himself.

By attacking the Jedi, even while masked, the Stranger revealed himself and risked true exposure (which ultimately came to pass). This arguably sloppy move seems quite contrary to the way of the Sith. There is perhaps no better example of that than Palpatine, who successfully remained undercover for years, infiltrating the Senate at the highest level. This almost impulsive move by Qimir suggests he lacks the patience and composure of a true Sith Lord.

6 The Stranger Was Nearly Bested By A Padawan

Jecki Lon Clearly Held Her Own Against The Stranger

Jecki Lon

Created By
Leslye Headland
Dafne Keen
Sol (Master)

Jecki Lon was undoubtedly an incredibly skilled Jedi Padawan, but her ability to hold her own against the Stranger is another massive hint that he isn’t truly a Sith Lord. Even Anakin Skywalker, one of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi and the Chosen One, was bested by the Sith apprentice Count Dooku in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Despite that, Jecki fought valiantly against the Stranger and was even the one to remove his mask.

It would be unprecedented in Star Wars for a Padawan to so successfully battle a Sith Lord. Even if the Stranger had been holding back for whatever reason, it’s unlikely he would have wanted to be unmasked. Given that, it seems Jecki really did gain the upper hand for at least one second in the battle, suggesting that Qimir truly may not be The Acolyte’s Sith Lord.

5 This “Sith” Doesn’t Have Sith Eyes

Qimir Is Missing The Sith Yellow Eyes

Along with missing the ‘Darth’ name, the Stranger did not reveal the classic yellow Sith eyes. Seen in Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Palpatine, Darth Maul, and even Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds in the Ahsoka show, the yellow eyes of the Sith have become iconic imagery. In fact, it wasn’t until Anakin’s chilling turn toward the camera with Sith eyes in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith that his path to becoming Darth Vader seemed truly complete.

However, the Stranger did not reveal Sith eyes in episode 5 when he was unmasked. Notably, Sith eyes aren’t always visible, so this doesn’t necessarily mean that the Stranger doesn’t have them. The ability to conceal their yellow eyes is surely essential for the Sith, as it would be a dead giveaway. Even so, this is yet another classic Sith trait that Qimir didn’t exhibit even after his face was revealed.

4 The Jedi Believed The Sith To Be Extinct

The Prequel Trilogy Revealed That The Sith Were Believed To Be Destroyed

The Acolyte received backlash even before the first episode premiered, but one of the main aspects of the trailers that had viewers in an uproar was the suggestion that a Sith may be behind the Jedi deaths. Because the Jedi Council had so firmly believed that the Sith were extinct during this era, this seemed to be a retcon. While this wouldn’t truly be a retcon (clearly, Palpatine and his own Sith master were working in the shadows), Qimir not being a true Sith would resolve this problem.

It’s entirely possible that Qimir has learned the ways of the Sith, perhaps as a cultist, but has not become a full Sith himself. This would explain a number of these contradictions, and it would leave the assertions made by the Jedi in The Phantom Menace unaltered. This could also set up exciting alternatives, such as the popular possibility that the Stranger is the first Knight of Ren.

3 The Stranger Wants A ‘Pupil’—Not An Apprentice

Qimir’s Choice Of Words Is Revealing

Even the smallest distinctions can have major implications in Star Wars, and Qimir’s wording when it comes to what he is seeking may reveal that he isn’t a true Sith. When he explains his intentions to Master Sol in episode 5, the Stranger says that he wants “a pupil.” Although a subtle difference, it is intriguing that Qimir uses this term rather than the Sith term ‘apprentice.’

This, along with the Stranger lacking Sith eyes and the Darth title, yet again reflects that the Stranger may not be as familiar with the Sith ways as he believes himself to be. The Sith, like the Jedi, tend to be very set in their ways, and Qimir’s deviations, however small, do suggest that he isn’t a Sith. If he was a cultist instead, this would make much more sense, as it would be mimicry.

Qimir’s deviations, however small, do suggest that he isn’t a Sith.

2 Qimir Is Awfully Young To Be A Sith Master

While Not Impossible, Qimir’s Age Would Make This Unusual

Although the Stranger’s age hasn’t been revealed in The Acolyte, it would be a bit surprising for someone as seemingly as young as him to be the Sith master. It would be much more likely that he was the Sith apprentice, yet the show suggests he doesn’t have a master at present (if he ever had one). There isn’t a strict rule about the age of a Sith Lord, of course, but Qimir would be an outlier, at least in terms of what has been shown on screen.

Age also has other implications, many of which Qimir has exhibited. For one, his decision to expose himself does reflect a degree of poor judgment and even sloppiness, which would be unusual for a Sith master. For another, there was something almost pleading in the way he was speaking to Master Sol about what he wants, which is a far cry from Darth Sidious’ cold, domineering manner.

1 The Stranger’s Identity Was Revealed Too Easily

The Acolyte Is A Mystery, And This Was Solved Too Quickly

One of the key aspects of The Acolyte that sets it apart from other Star Wars movies and shows is that it is a mystery. Trailers for the show suggested the mystery was regarding who was going around killing Jedi; however, The Acolyte very quickly identified the killer as Mae. Rather, the show’s mysteries include what really happened on Brendok sixteen years prior—which has yet to be revealed—and who the masked Sith was.

Before episode 5, The Acolyte was already heavily hinting that Qimir was secretly the Sith. While it was still exciting to see that confirmed, it felt like too easy a solution for a show built on mystery. Clearly, there is more to this story that has yet to be revealed. While it hasn’t been confirmed one way or another, this and the other hints about the Stranger thus far suggest that Qimir may not be a Sith in Star Wars: The Acolyte after all.

New episodes of The Acolyte release on Tuesdays at 9 PM EST/6 PM PST on Disney+.

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